Researchers Corner
Use of the South Sudan National Archives Reading Room is limited to researchers/readers age 18 and above who have a specific need for access to the materials.
Researchers/Readers shall refrain from disruptive behavior; personal conduct is subject to SSSNA Bill. Therefore, researchers/Readers should be aware that surveillance cameras are recording all activity in the Reading Room.
Readers must present a verified Identification Card and a letter indicating that they come from an institution. First-time users must complete a registration card at the reference desk with the records manager.
Personal Property
No personal belongings, including briefcases, notebooks, books, folders, envelopes, or purses are allowed in the SSNA reading room.
Outer garments, including hats, vests, sweaters with pockets, coats, suit coats, and sports jackets, are subject to search.
Free lockers are provided to secure personal property. Locker keys must be returned at the end of the day.
- Exceptions may be requested for notes or other material essentialto research. These items must be approved and stamped by reference staff before being brought into the reading room.
- Paper, note cards, and pencils are provided for taking notes. Pens are prohibited.
- Laptop computers, tablets, and cameras are allowed; tripods may be used subject to staff approval. Personal scanners and supplemental lighting are prohibited.
- All electronic devices, such as phones and cameras, must be silenced. Phones can be used for silent communication only.
- Photography is allowed only for reference reproductions of collection material. No photographs of individuals or of the Reading Room itself are permitted.
All containers must stay on carts
Only one BOX at a time may be opened and only one file in a folder at a time may be withdrawn from a box. Placeholders are provided to mark where folders should be re-filed. The existing arrangement and boxing within each box or folder must be preserved. Report any serious disarrangement to the reference staff to Director General.
- Unless otherwise instructed, researcher/readers may photograph collection items at their tables, without flash.
- Researchers/Readers must bring all boxes to the desk for examination and approval by reference staff before scanning or photocopying.
- Only one folder at a time may be withdrawn for reproduction.
- Bound material may not be photocopied.
- Reasons for not allowing copying include.
1) Government imposed restrictions,
2) The fragile condition of the documents,
3) Restrictions imposed by ARCHIVES repositories.
4) National security classifications reasons.
Surrogate editions
To promote preservation of original documents, Researchers/readers are required to consult surrogate editions as available.
Help save the national collection
Exercise the greatest possible care in handling files/documents.
- Do not make marks on documents;
- Do not write notes on top of document;
- Do not rest books, phone or other objects on top of the file. Handle loose papers/sheets or bound pages by their edges; avoid touching the surface as much as possible;
- Do not remove files from protective housing/folders/boxes. Record manager and Reference staff can furnish gloves for handling photographs and other vulnerable items.
- No personal belongings, including briefcases, notebooks, books, folders, envelopes, or purses are allowed in the reading room.
- Outer garments, including hats, vests, sweaters with pockets, coats, suit coats, and sports jackets, are subject to search.
The status of copyright in the unpublished writings in the custody of the national archives is governed by the policy framework of the ministry and South Sudan National Archives Bill. It is the obligation of the Researcher/Reader to fulfill the requirements of the Copyright.
Since the South Sudan National archives ordinarily does not own the copyright in either published or unpublished materials in its custody, it can neither grant nor deny permission to publish or quote in published form from manuscripts in its collections.
All material that a Researcher/Reader wishes to remove from the study room must be examined by the security officer or reading room staff. It is a violation of government law punishable by fine and/or imprisonment to steal or willfully damage or destroy files, books or other archives property.
Researchers must follow all directions of the reference staff regarding the handling of Archival materials.